New Vision Concepts
EZReader - AppStarter

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EZReader allows an external program to start EZReader and to instruct EZReader to open a single program from the EZReader suite of software. Such an external program is called an AppStarter.

The benefit of an AppStarter is that it simplifies the effort it take to open or exit from an EZReader application. Many users have chosen to use AppStarter in lieu of first opening the EZTaskBar. But more importantly, it allows blind users to easily start up an EZReader application. See below for more details.

Running an AppStarter results in opening a single EZReader application, such as the Email client, the Book Reader, or one of several dozen applications which have been given permission to start individually.

When a program opened by an AppStarter closes, neither EZTaskBar nor the CenterBar open.

AppStarters are created with the EZReader AppStarterBuilder application. It is discussed in a separate web page of its own.

 AppStarter Main Screen

AppStarters consist of a letter or icon displayed in a square window.

There are several features of AppStarter which make it easy to use and very beneficial to blind users.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

There are no keyboard shortcuts associated with the Android Viewer.

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